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Chronic Disease Programming

The Strategic Health Alliance is a partnership between the City of Kamloops and Interior Health. The partnership's goal is to support rehabilitation exercise programming and to build capacity for programming through facility use and program development.

Cancer Support Programs

According to BC Cancer, regular exercise is safe and recommended before, during and after cancer treatments. 

The City of Kamloops employs a number of qualified exercise professionals to support you in using exercise to manage and reduce many common side effects of cancer treatments. Increase energy, improve strength and fitness, enhance mood and optimize recovery. 

Sensational Survivors

Sensational Survivors is our supervised exercise program with women who have a diagnosis of cancer.

We work with women at any stage (diagnosis, treatment or recovery). This program has been running since 2006 and has seen more than 1000 participants.

Participants can join this 6 week program at any time. Each participant will undergo pre-program screening with one of our staff and receive an individual exercise plan developed by one of our Kinesiologists.

Physician/Specialist/Nurse Practitioner consent may be required depending on the person's medical picture.

Please contact us if you would like to participate in our programming.