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Water Use

Water is critical to our city and to our environment, therefore, efforts to conserve water should occur year-round. Reducing the amount of water we use helps protect our ecosystems and reduces the energy used to pump, treat, and distribute water. 

Snowmelt and rainfall contribute to the water supply across British Columbia, however, precipitation is limited in the summer months when the demand for water increases and the supply available decreases. In certain years when the snowpack is limited and rainfall amounts are less than average, drought conditions can occur and water conservation efforts are even more important to protect the water levels in our rivers for fish and aquatic species.

Current Drought Level



Water Use Restrictions Plan

Below is the Water Use Restrictions Plan outlining water use activity in drought levels 0-3 (normal), drought level 4 (heightened), and drought level 5 (severe), based off of the Provincial Drought Level for the South Thompson River. 

The preferred time for automated irrigation is 12 am to 7 am. Irrigation is not permitted between 11 am and 7 pm.

Click here to view a PDF of the Water Use Restrictions Plan 

Water Use FAQs

How to report sprinkling violations

If you notice someone not following the City’s water use restrictions or allowable sprinkling times, please contact our Community Services Division at 250-828-3409. 

Water Use Exemption Permit FAQs

Apply for a Water Use Exemption Permit

For assistance by phone, please call 250-828-3461.

Water Saving Tips

Drought Response

In years with extreme drought conditions, water use restrictions will be enhanced to limit the amount of water we use as a city. These efforts ensure we have sufficient supply for indoor use, for firefighting, and to lessen our impact on ecosystems.

VIDEO CBC News spoke with Jason Hwang, Vice President, Salmon, with the Pacific Salmon Foundation, on how severe drought conditions in B.C., and specifically the Kamloops region, could threaten salmon runs and why water conservation is imperative in our area.

Visit the British Columbia Drought Information Portal for up-to-date information on drought conditions. 

Drought FAQs

Be FireSmart™

FireSmart™ is living with and managing for wildfire in your area and on your property. Becoming wildfire resilient is a shared responsibility across BC. For more information on how you can do your part during and outside of drought conditions, visit