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Appearing Before Kamloops City Council as a Delegation

Council meetings are held on certain Tuesdays. Please refer to the Council calendar for the upcoming Regular Council Meeting dates. Delegations are heard at the beginning of Regular Council Meetings.

Delegations have the option to present in person in Council Chambers or online via Zoom.

The purpose of appearing before Council as a delegation is for community groups to present on their topic or initiative. Requests for funding (including requests for land or other significant City expenditures) or proclamations are not permitted.

Depending on your topic, your request may be referred to a relevant Council Committee or City department.

  • There is a limit to the number of delegations permitted per meeting; therefore, the City advises delegations to submit their request well in advance of the desired meeting date. Your presentation may not be scheduled for the date requested due to prior commitments or staff resources.
  • Your delegation is not confirmed until you are contacted by City staff. If approved, Legislative Services will also contact you a few days prior to the meeting to confirm your place on the agenda. You will also be provided with the Zoom link at this time, if required.
  • To schedule a date to appear before Council, delegations must provide the information requested on the delegation request form (see below). The full names of the requestor and any presenters will be published in the agenda and minutes, which are available to the public and posted on the City's website. The provision of this information clarifies the purpose of the delegation for Council and allows Council members to become familiar with your topic and obtain any necessary background information.
  • Delegations are permitted 10 minutes maximum for their presentation. Council may ask questions after the presentation for clarification.
  • If you will be providing supporting documentation, such as a PowerPoint presentation, you are required to submit the documents no later than 12:00 pm on the Wednesday prior to the meeting. PowerPoint presentations are limited to a maximum of 10 slides. (Please use widescreen (16:9) slide format, with the Helvetica Bold font in 36 pt for headings and 28 pt for other text.) If your delegation's material is not published in the agenda, please bring sufficient copies for Council (minimum 17 copies). The City charges for photocopying services.
  • Topics that are the subject of a public hearing or rezoning application, or are a matter already being addressed by staff will not be approved.
  • All communication and petitions intended to be presented to Council must be legibly written, typed, or printed; signed by at least one person; dated; and include a contact phone number or address before being accepted.

Helpful Suggestions for an Effective Presentation

  • Arrive a few minutes before the meeting start time.
  • Speak clearly and directly into the microphone provided at the podium.
  • Direct your presentation to Kamloops City Council and follow Council etiquette tips.
  • Be concise; keep your presentation brief and to the point.
  • Participate with integrity. A collaborative and respectful approach is appreciated.
  • Do not expect an immediate answer. Your issue may be referred to staff for more information or to another meeting for further consideration.

This form is mandatory before any request is considered:

Enter the full name & title of each person wishing to appear (up to 4 names)

Are you presenting Council with a new or existing initiative?
Have you consulted with City staff on this initiative?

Council members are not considered staff. Your answer does not impact whether or not your request is approved. You may be advised to connect with specific staff to add context to your topic of discussion.

Please identify all staff (not Council members) you have engaged with on this topic.

(please be specific, provide details, and attach additional information if required)

Purpose of presentation

Attach additional information below, if required.

One file only.
2 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf, doc, docx.

Please be advised this is a request only. If approved, your presentation will be scheduled by Legislative Services with your date request in mind.

By clicking Submit, I am stating that I understand and agree to these rules for delegations.