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Report an Issue


For emergencies, please phone 250-828-3461 and press "1" for an after-hours contact.

Have a non-emergency issue you want to report to the City such as a pothole or a broken street light? There are three ways to report an issue or a problem to us: 

  1. Call 250-828-3461
    Please call if your issue is urgent, as the other options are only checked during regular business hours on weekdays. 
  2. MyKamloops™ Mobile App
    Download the free app on Google Play or iTunes to easily report an issue right from your smart phone.
  3. Online Tool
    Please create an account or log in with your existing account to use our online reporting tool.
  4. Reporting issues
    To report a technical issue with either the MyKamloops Mobile App or Online Tool, call 250-828-3311

NOTE: Ensure you include your phone number when submitting issues, so we can easily reach you for clarification.

You can help us by describing specific details in your reporting.

For example:

  • For broken street lights and potholes*, take a photo with your smart phone to help identify the location.
  • For street lights, describe the type of material the street light pole is made from (metal versus wood/concrete). This will help us determine if the street light is City-owned (made from metal) or one of BC Hydro's lights (made from wood/concrete).
  • For a catch basin near your home that is backed up and will not drain, even after clearing away debris or snow, describe the location or take a photo.

*Potholes located on provincial highways are the responsibility of the Province. To report a pothole on a provincial road, visit

Thank you for helping to identify issues around our City.

If you have suffered a bodily injury or property damage loss and believe that the City of Kamloops may be responsible, you may file a Notice of Claim against the City.