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Housing and Homelessness

The City of Kamloops has a vision for our community where housing is available and affordable to all residents. KAMPLAN, the City’s Official Community Plan, identifies three specific goals related to housing: 

  • Housing Affordability: ensure there is an adequate supply of housing to meet population growth and improve affordability across the continuum.
  • Housing Diversity: increase the diversity of housing types to create inclusive and complete neighbourhoods.
  • Housing for Vulnerable Populations: provide a range of housing options for persons with disabilities, seniors, low-income individuals and families, and those who require ongoing supports.

In their 2023-2026 Strategic Plan, City Council made housing a priority with a specific focus on improving diversity and access throughout the housing continuum. 

An infographic illustrating the Spectrum of Housing, showcasing various types of housing options and their relationships, from emergency shelters to market ownership. The graphic highlights the diverse housing solutions within the community-Housing Continuum.
Image courtesy of BC Housing


What is Affordable Housing?

According to Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation, housing is considered affordable if it costs less than 30% of a household’s before-tax income. The term “affordable housing” is often confused with “subsidized housing”, where the cost of housing is offset by financial support or rental assistance from the provincial government. Affordable housing is a much broader term. It can refer to all housing types, all forms of ownership, and all occupancy durations. The only restriction for affordable housing is that it meets the affordability threshold across the housing continuum. 

Housing In Kamloops

Municipalities in BC do not have the mandate to build or operate housing but play an important role in supporting the creation of affordable housing in the community. The City supports the availability of diverse housing options that enable people from all walks and stages of life to locate and secure housing that is safe, affordable, and appropriate. The City can preserve, acquire, sell, and provide land for housing, and develop partnerships and incentives to support housing development. The City works closely with BC Housing and supports and assists with public communications and community engagement efforts related to social and affordable housing in Kamloops.

Current projects in development in Kamloops can be found on the BC Housing Let’s Talk Housing website.

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