Meet Umo, the new way to pay your BC Transit fare.
Umo allows you to select the best payment method for your lifestyle and travel habits through the mobile app or a reloadable card.
Every rider must carry their own payment method and may choose between:
- Downloading the Umo Mobility app, or
- Picking up a reloadable card for free from a BC Transit vendor
Then, buy a pass or load cash through the app, online at, at a vendor location, or through Umo’s customer service toll-free at 1-877-380-8181.
When you are ready to travel, get your payment method ready prior to stepping on the bus and look for the new onboard validator near the driver. Scan the app’s QR code or tap your Umo card at the validator and look for the validator’s confirmation message. You’ll know your fare was accepted when you see and hear the validation check mark and audible signal.
Click here for step-by-step instructions for using the Umo app
Click here for step-by-step instructions for using a reloadable Umo card
Frequently Asked Questions about Umo
Kamloops transit is a leader in the BC Transit Municipal Systems Program and provides both regular transit and handyDART custom transit services. Services are co-funded through the partnership between the City and BC Transit. Whether you are a regular rider or someone new to the service, you will find all the information you need to make transit your transportation choice at
Kamloops Transit 101
From time to time bus routes are impacted due to construction, traffic accidents or other unforeseen incidents. The City and BC Transit do their best to communicate and understand that a late bus has implications to ridership and each individual's personal schedules.
The answer as to why buses are late is actually complicated. There are some common reasons as to why:
- Road traffic can be difficult to predict. Traffic accidents, road construction and large public events can lead to unexpected traffic jams.
- We don't want buses to be early. Ideally, the City's bus operator strives to have a bus arrive just in time, but this is not always possible due to road traffic. A bus arriving early is actually much worse than a bus arriving late. When a bus arrives early, riders miss the bus as it is out of schedule and this results in riders having to wait for the next scheduled bus.
- Buses need schedules. Not only does this allow riders to know when to expect a bus, it allows for planning not only for a rider but also for the operating company. Believe it or not, the City works closely with the operating company to review route schedules, timing, and capacity at multiple times throughout the year to make adjustments based on ridership demand.
Below are some common occurrences that riders face and that the operating company strives to mitigate.
- Schedules and Maps
- Umo
- Fare Information, including ProPASS, U-PASS, and monthly passes
- HandyDART or call 250-376-7525
- Transportation Programs
- General Information or call 250-376-1216