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Sewer Maintenance

Sewer Blockages

Sewer blockages can occur for various reasons. If you are experiencing a sewer blockage at your property, stop using indoor water to prevent flooding. Immediately contact the City of Kamloops’ Civic Operations Department at 250-828-3461 to report any presumed sewer blockage. Your call will be answered 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Our trained experts in the Utility Services Division will assist in determining the potential cause of the blockage and provide guidance on the next steps. You may also contact a plumber if you wish. However, the cost of this service may not be covered by the City unless you were directed to contact a plumber by City staff and the issue is proven to be the City’s responsibility to repair.

Upon receiving notification of a potential sewer blockage, City staff will determine if the City’s sewer mains are flowing as intended. If the mains are flowing as intended, you will be directed to contact a plumber to determine the cause of the blockage within your service line. Residents are responsible for cleaning the sanitary service line from their building to the City’s main. Any pipe failure or root intrusion on the property owner’s side of the property line will also be the property owner’s responsibility to repair. If the plumber’s video inspection shows a pipe failure or root intrusion on the City’s side of the property line, City crews will make the required repairs, and your plumbing expenses, or a portion thereof, may be reimbursed. Video of the inspection must be recorded and provided on a USB thumb drive to the Utility Services Division for assessment. 

If you have experienced damage or loss as result of the blockage, contact your home insurance representative. You may also file a claim with the City of Kamloops by visiting the Making a Claim page on the City’s website. The City is not presumed to be liable for the consequences of all blockages that are determined to be the City’s responsibility to repair. Section 744 of the Local Government Act of BC provides immunity against certain nuisance claims. 

Sewer Maintenance