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Trees, Plants, and Gardens

When selecting plants, trees, or shrubs, consider the following factors to ensure you have the right plan for the right site. Doing so provides and advantage over pest problems.

2024 Tree Coupon Program Ended

A total of 1,000 coupons were available in 2024. Coupons allow residents to receive either a $20 or $50 discount, depending on the price of the tree. See below for a list of participating retailers. 

Tree Coupon Program

The Tree Coupon program supports the City's goal of increasing our community's tree canopy to 20% from the current 15% as identified in its Urban Forestry Management Strategy. Urban trees provide many social, health, environmental and economic benefits, from removing atmospheric carbon dioxide and absorbing air pollutants, to reducing energy consumption and increasing property values.

This program is one effort to encourage residential homeowners to participate in the achievement of that goal. We need more trees throughout our community to benefit from all of the services that trees provide.

Remarkable Trees

The City’s newest mapping project is the Kamloops Urban Tree Tour. This self-guided tour showcases over 20 unique and remarkable trees throughout the city. Learn about their history, why they are remarkable and which season is best to view them in. These trees are also marked with green ribbons to help identify them. 

Urban Tree Tour

Here's a sneak peak at a selection of the trees you'll find on the Tour and some of their unique qualities:

Tree Pruning Tips

Topping trees is a growing problem and is not recommended. Stub ends are a sign of poor pruning and destroys the health and beauty of the tree. The tree retaliates by producing an uruly crop of weakly-attached watersprouts, prone to disease and breakage. Disease enters through the stub ends, making the tree short-lived and even bulkier looking than before, resulting in re-pruning. 

Protect your investment with proper pruning.