We are committed to working together to build effective, balanced, and compassionate solutions to address many of the issues our neighbourhoods face. We work collaborateively with volunteers and our community partners to provide a balanced response to community issues that includes prevention, treatment, harm reduction, and enforcement.
The RCMP Auxiliary Program strengthens community and police partnerships by providing trained volunteers with the opportunity to perform a variety of authorized activities that enhance community policing and crime prevention initiatives. In BC, the RCMP Auxiliary Program operates under the leadership of the RCMP Commanding Officer in partnership with the provincial Ministry of Justice and are covered by WorkSafe BC and insurance for accidental death/dismemberment and civil liability.
Under the supervision of an RCMP Regular Member, Auxiliary Constables participate in RCMP-supported community events and programs, crime prevention initiatives within schools, traffic control, ground patrols, search and rescue, parades and other ceremonial events.
Block Watch is a neighbourhood program where residents of households, apartments, or condominiums on a block form a communication chain to watch out for each others' homes and report suspicious activities to the police and each other.
Volunteers enhance communications between the RCMP and the business community in an effort to reduce and prevent crimes against businesses by assisting business owners, operators and employees in:
- Reporting crime effectively
- Operation Identification—marking all equipment, machines etc., with identification for deterrence and tracing
- Performing safety analyses on business premises, including Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) as part of the Business Watch program.
- Crime Prevention training on subjects such as shoplifting, robbery, fraud, counterfeit currency, and burglary prevention.
Business Watch Phone Number
Businesses wishing to report issues related to marginalized person(s), vulnerable camps, graffiti, and parking concerns may call the Community Services Office at 250-828-3409.
Businesses interested in crime prevention information, Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design site assessments, or safety presentations may contact the North Shore Community Policing Office at 250-376-5099.Criminal issues such as shoplifting, theft, beak and enter, refusal to leave, etc. are matters of the RCMP and you should contact the RCMP directly.
Community Crime Prevention has a volunteer base that engages with the general public in delivering crime prevention programs under the direction of the RCMP by:
- Attending community events to help police with visibility and community relations.
- Supporting crime prevention and public safety initiatives.
- Participating in 529 Garage bicycle registration/information events.
- Using public speaking skills to convey crime prevention information.
- Connecting with their audience.
Kamloops Community Patrols is a program with a volunteer base that offers an opportunity to actively participate in crime prevention efforts. Volunteers act as additional eyes and ears for the police, enhancing visibility and strengthening community connections.
The program goals are to patrol identified crime hotspots identified by the Kamloops RCMP and documenting findings; report suspicious activity, aid in the recovery of stolen vehicles, execute auto crime prevention initiatives and assist in educating the public on effective crime prevention practices.
529 Garage is a comprehensive bike registry and recovery system that deters bike theft, increases the likelihood that stolen bikes will be returned to its owners and provides an investigative tool for the police to identify stolen bikes.
The Guns and Gangs Intervention and Prevention Program will provide youths with wraparound outreach services, free after-school programming, and education from gun and gang prevention and intervention experts.
Property crimes are often crimes of opportunity. Creating a simple and quick checklist of things to do nightly can deter criminals. We encourage you to double-check that your valuables and property are locked up and safe.
Make a 9 pm checklist a habit:Lock Up
- Close and secure all windows and doors, including your garage
- Lock sheds, outbuildings, and gates
- Lock your vehicles
- Set your home alarm (if you have one)
Lights On
- Turn on exterior lights
- Leave an indoor light on
Exterior Checks
- Remove valuables and garage door opener from your vehicle
- Do a perimeter check of your property and secure all bikes, tools, and other valuables
If you have been a victim of property crime or would like to learn how you can better protect your property, a residential security check can be a great option to increase your confidence about home security. A trained member from our Crime Prevention team will come out to do a safety analysis of your home to identify any areas that could use improvement on security measures.
The Kamloops Restorative Justice program is a pre-charge alternative to the formal court process. It is a process designed to engage “victims” “offenders” and the community to deal with the impact of criminal and offending behavior through discussion and determination of how the harm can be repaired. Trained volunteers run the Community Justice Forum guiding both parties towards a positive resolution. Referral to this program us made by police officers when specific criteria is met.
This program offers volunteers a challenging opportunity to work with a variety of individuals experiencing conflict.
Volunteers with Speed Watch work closely with the Kamloops RCMP Traffic Services section to make a real impact on road safety. Speed Watch volunteers are trained and equipped to use radar equipment and speed reader boards, and they support the Kamloops RCMP’s road safety goals by:
- Raising drivers’ awareness about their real travel speed. Volunteers report that most drivers travelling more than 10km/h above the posted speed limit will immediately slow down when they see their speed displayed on the reader board.
- Providing real-time data on the reality of speeding in high complaint areas. The data that volunteers collect with the radar equipment helps Kamloops RCMP’s traffic section determine where to focus speed-related enforcement and education campaigns to have the most impact.
- Boosting police visibility in collision hotspots and high complaint areas. It isn’t always possible to send sworn police officers to investigate speeding complaints but thanks to our volunteers, it is possible to show citizens that the police are listening and acting on their concerns.
- Educating drivers on distracted driving and pedestrian awareness through a variety of means.
Victim Services Unit volunteers receive specialized training and work designated shifts with full-time staff to provide community outreach and education, as well as on-scene crisis response and ongoing support to victims and witnesses of crime or other traumatic events.
Victim Services Unit hopefuls go through a rigorous screening and training process to make sure they have the skills and personality needed to provide critical, front-line, 24/7 support services such as:
- Crisis intervention for victims or witnesses of any traumatic event or critical incident such as; domestic violence, serious motor vehicle collisions, a sudden death or suicide, or acute family problems.
- Support for victims and witnesses through the investigational and legal processes that follow a critical incident.
- Assistance to victims of fires, floods and other disasters in partnership with the Provincial Emergency Program and our local municipal Emergency Social Services agencies.
- Education and outreach on request to community service providers and other groups interested in learning more about personal and public safety.