Request for Use of Municipal Streets
The film production company shall request to use municipal streets by completing the road right-of-way usage (ROW) permit application. The following information is also needed in conjunction the ROW permit:
- street names and specifics of planned activities
- traffic management plan
- detour plan (if needed)
- notice to residents and area affected
- a crew and circus parking proposal if related to parking
- non-refundable permit fees
More information may be required depending on the nature of the request.
Streets, Parking, and Traffic
Metered Parking Stalls
The City will install temporary “No Parking” signage at the permitted parking stall location(s). Once production is complete, please let the City know so the signage can be removed.
Residential/Non-Metered Street Parking
- Productions must include any parking requirements in the neighbourhood notification letter. The notice MUST include all times, dates, and spaces required for the production, in addition to any traffic plans and stoppages (more details in the Road Closures/Lockoffs section below).
- There is no fee for residential/non-metered parking; however, productions are required to obtain a permit to park in residential/non-metered spaces for more than two hours.
- Vehicles must not block driveways or be parked illegally (on the curb for example).
- Vehicle access to residential and commercial properties shall not be obstructed or impeded for an excessive amount of time (2–10 minutes maximum duration; time to be dictated by the City’s Traffic Tech Coordinator or designate, depending on location).
Parking-General Information
- The City requires a minimum of 48 hours notice for to reserve metered parking stalls and/or lots.
- Parking enforcement is managed by the Community Services Division.
- Enforcement will only occur during the permitted dates and hours.
- City parking lot rental locations and prices are available by request to the City’s film official.
- To assist the City with public interfacing, parking maps outlining the proposed placement of vehicles on City property must be forwarded to and approved by the City’s film official prior to production commencing.
- If a production vehicle is over 24 ft. in length, the maximum parking duration is two hours. If a production requires more than the two hour time limit, an ROW permit is required.
- Community Services staff and vehicles are available to assist with productions only as time permits, and they must respond to emergencies as required.
Road Closures/Lockoffs
An ROW permit is required when any of the following filming related activities are planned:
- road closure (including single lane and/or parking lane)
- temporary traffic stoppages
- any on-street filming
- any stunts or special effects that will require the controlling of traffic on the street
- any travelling shots where camera vehicles are involved
Emergency vehicles MUST have unencumbered access in the event of an emergency (fire, RCMP, ambulance, search and rescue, and emergency social services).
If traffic control is not provided by the City, it must be contracted to a certified traffic control technician, and they must be wearing high-visibility clothing while performing traffic control work.
Pedestrian Traffic
Pedestrian traffic may not be obstructed at any time unless stipulated in the ROW permit. All cables and similar items are to be channeled and secured neatly and safely out of the way of any pedestrian traffic.
Alterations to Public Property
Film crew staff shall not remove municipal street signs or any other municipal sign; remove, trim, and/ or cut vegetation; or alter any publicly owned infrastructure without the written permission of the City’s applicable director or designate.