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Fire Safety Plans

The primary purpose of a well designed Fire Safety Plan is to help both occupants and responding personnel in coping with emergency situations. Kamloops Fire Rescue requires two separate pdf files, a Fire Safety Plan and a Pre-Incident Plan, to be submitted. This information is then linked to fire apparatus computers to assist the Incident Commander in making quick, precise decisions to aid in life safety. A Pre-incident Plan is one of the most valuable tools available for aiding responding personnel in effectively controlling an emergency.

A Fire Safety Plan is required by the British Columbia Fire Code (BCFC) 2018 Section 2.8 based on building use or occupancy types. The owner or the owner’s authorized agent of the premises is responsible for providing a Fire Safety Plan as per the 2018 BCFC.

Kamloops Fire Rescue Requirements

  1. All fire safety plans shall follow the guidelines as laid out in the Fire Safety Plan Guidelines. The Fire Safety Plan and the Pre-Incident Plans must be submitted in two separate PDF’s for review to the following email address:
  2. Pre-incident Plans are slightly different than the plans which are submitted in the Fire Safety Plan. Kamloops Fire Rescue requires that our Fire Safety Plan Symbols be used in both Pre-Incident Plan and Fire Safety Plan drawings. A library of symbols are available below. 
  3. The owner/owner's agent will be given 90 days, as per current City of Kamloops Fire Prevention Bylaw from the completion of new construction, renovations or order to submit a Fire Safety Plan to the Fire Chief.
  4. Fire Safety Planning for demolition & construction sites are required as per BC Building Code Part 8 and the BCFC 2012 Section 2.8 and Section 5.6.
  5. All buildings requiring a fire safety plan must install a fire safety plan box (FSPB) as per the City of Kamloops Fire Prevention Bylaw. Contact Kamloops Fire Rescue regarding ordering and location of installation.