A bylaw providing permitting for film productions within the City of Kamloops.
Film Permitting Bylaw Fees (Schedule A)
Item Fee Film Permit Application Film Productions with a budget of $25,000 or less $0 Film Productions with a budget of $25,001 to $50,000 $25 Film Productions with a budget over $50,000 $125 Security/Damage Deposit Commercial Film Productions (refundable) Varies based on scope, risk and impact Charity, Not-for-profit, or Current Student Productions (refundable) Varies based on scope, risk and impact Municipal Staff Hourly Rate (including Film Official) $75 All fees are subject to all applicable taxes.
A bylaw respecting closure of and construction on road rights-of-way within the City of Kamloops.
Road Usage Fees (Schedule A)
Approval and Inspection of Private Utility Company Installations $125 Temporary Road Closure Permits $25 Temporary Lane Closures
Road Classification Unit of Measurement Duration Charge 1.1 Arterial Road travel or parking lane per day $15 1.2 Collector Road travel lane per day $10 1.3 Collector Road parking lane per day $5 1.4 Local Road travel or parking lane per day $5 1.5 Easement full width per day $5 1.6 Lane full width per day $5 A bylaw to regulate traffic, parking, and the use of streets, within the City of Kamloops.
Regulated Parking Zones (Section 328)
All highways and City parking lots, where parking is permitted or restricted are hereby designated as regular parking zones and traffic control devices may be placed from time to time to indicate such regulations or restructions.
Reserved Parking (Section 609)
(1) No unauthorized person, when a metered space has been reserved by a traffic control device, shall park a vehicle in that parking stall.
(2) Every person, where a metered space is reserved for the benefit of that person, shall pay a fee of Fifteen Dollars ($15.00) per day or part of a day for each day, other than Sundays or holidays, that the metered space is reserved.
A bylaw to establish fees and charges for recreation facilities.
Quick Reference
- Schedule A - Soccer and Rugby Fields Fees and Charges
- Schedule B - Ball Fields Fees and Charges
- Schedule C - Charles Anderson Stadium and Norbrock Stadium Fees and Charges
- Schedule D - Hillside Fields and Stadium Fees and Charges
- Schedule E - Tournament Capital Centre Fieldhouse and Stadium Fees and Charges
- Schedule F - Canada Games Pool Admission Fees
- Schedule G - Pools (Other than Canada Games Pool) Admission Fees
- Schedule H - Sandman Centre Fees and Charges
- Schedule I - Arenas (Other than Sandman Centre)
- Schedule J - Community Facilities and Activity Rooms Fees and Charges
- Schedule K - Daily, Monthly, and Seasonal Park Permits Fees and Charges