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Engage Staff & Council

City staff can often be the quickest and easiest contacts to address your day-to-day operational questions and concerns. Here are some helpful links to point you in the right direction!

Feedback related to overarching City priorities, policies, and increases or decreases to service levels should be directed to Council. If you wish to submit a letter for Council's consideration, it should be addressed to:

Mayor and Council 
City of Kamloops 
7 Victoria Street West 
Kamloops, B.C. V2C 1A2

You may also fax your letter to 250-828-3578 or email a member of City Council

Council Procedure Bylaw No. 1-56 regulates the submission of correspondence stating that all communications shall be legibly written, typed or printed, signed by at least one person, dated, and include a contact phone number or address. Correspondence may be included on a Council Meeting agenda, or it may be referred to a particular City department; the writer will receive an acknowledgement advising the disposition of their correspondence.

If your correspondence is placed on a Regular Council Meeting agenda, please be advised that your letter (including your name and address) will form part of the public agenda and will be available in hard copy and on the City's website. Your letter will also be recorded in the Council Meeting minutes, which is a permanent public record.

The public is also welcome to address City Council during Regular Council Meetings or Public Hearings in relation to items on the agenda. These are not forums for the public to comment on unrelated issues. 

Request to Appear as a Delegation

Mayor & Council Attendance Request

Notice regarding Proclamations:

Council Direction on Proclamations, Flags, and Banners
City Council has directed staff to not process or approve any pending or future requests for the issuance of proclamations, or for the flying of flags or banners on City property. Therefore, the City will not be accepting new applications or issuing new or pending approvals.

The City is reviewing its policies and procedures to ensure they align with the legal requirements of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, as interpreted by recent judicial decisions. The September 11, 2018, BC Court of Appeal decision on Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform v. South Coast British Columbia Transportation Authority underscores the need for carefully drafted policies regarding any restrictions and requirements the City wishes to impose in its efforts to protect vulnerable persons and provide safe community space that values respect for others.

The BC Court of Appeal’s decision also highlights the importance of implementing a rigorous and transparent process. This ensures that competing rights and community objectives are respected and proportionately balanced in accordance with Charter values.