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Community Service Outreach and Response Program

The City of Kamloops, in collaboration with ASK Wellness Society, Canadian Mental Health Association, and Interior Community Services operate the Community Service Outreach and Response Program—a dedicated mobile initiative designed to support unsheltered residents across the city. This program exemplifies the City’s commitment to fostering inclusivity and ensuring all community members have access to essential services and support.

Program Overview

The Community Service Outreach and Response Program began in November 2022 and pairs a Community Services Officer with an outreach worker from the partner agencies to provide connections to shelter and support services for unsheltered people experiencing homelessness. The program operates 16 hours per day (8:00 am to midnight), seven days a week and aims to mignight

  • utilize vehicle, foot, and bike patrols to provide outreach to unsheltered people and to support a safe and secure environment in commercial centres and corridors and in areas around shelter sites
  • liaise with the outreach teams that provide the Envision outreach shuttle to connect unsheltered individuals to shelter and services as and when required
  • initiate a case management approach to identify and build a solid understanding of the health, housing, and support service needs of people experiencing homelessness in the community

This program is funded through the Union of BC Municipalities Strengthening Communities’ Services Program.

Mobile Crisis Outreach Response Program Overview

The Mobile Crisis Outreach Response team is a five-year multi-sectoral direct intervention project targeted at youth aged 26 and under and will operate until summer 2028. This team, consisting of a Community Services Officer and an Interior Community Services outreach worker, operate Tuesday through Saturday from 4:00 pm to midnight.

The primary objective is to enhance response times and provide referrals for supports and services to at-risk youths experiencing mental health and/or substance-related crises. The team also aims to prevent and reduce unnecessary police contact, minimize emergency room visits, decrease incidents of youth-involved criminal activity, and facilitate appropriate case management supports for vulnerable youths. 

Why It Matters

Kamloops has seen a growing need for innovative solutions to support individuals experiencing homelessness, mental health challenges, and substance use. The Community Service Outreach and Response Program addresses these issues by:

  • reducing barriers to accessing critical services
  • enhancing response times for support referrals
  • promoting harm reduction and health supports
  • enhancing the overall quality of life for residents in need

To connect with or report a situation for the Community Services Officer Outreach and Response team to attend, call Community Services at 250-828-3409. If there is a threat to a person or an emergency, residents are encouraged to call 911. 

By The Numbers