ProPASS is your permanent ticket to ride - the City of Kamloops and BC Transit have a hassle free way for you to take the bus. The ProPASS is a permanent photo ID bus pass purchased through your workplace through payroll deductions for a minimum of four months. Click the ProPASS link above for details or contact for more information.
KamPASS Program
The KamPASS (affordable transit) program is critical to people in need in our community. It provides access to education, employment, and recreation opportunities when transportation costs may be a barrier. The KamPASS program is a jointly funded partnership program between the City of Kamloops and the Government of British Columbia.
Transportation Supplement/BC Bus Pass for People Receiving Disability Assistance
Since January 1, 2018, individuals who receive provincial disability assistance receive an extra $52/month as a transportation supplement. This supplement can be used for an annual bus pass (Compass Card) or for other transportation needs.
BC Bus Pass for Seniors and Others
Low-income seniors and people who meet other eligibility requirements under this provincial program can purchase a Compass Card at a reduced cost of $45/year. You need to apply directly to the Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction for this program.
BC Transit - Children Under 12 Ride Free
BC Transit is now free for all children 12 and under in B.C., saving families money, increasing access to affordable transportation options and encouraging more people to use public transit.
School District No. 73 Transportation Assistance
Students who reside beyond walking limits and are not transported by a school bus are eligible for transportation assistance payments