Neighbourhood associations are organizations run by people just like you—neighbours who love their neighbourhoods and want to make them all they can be.
The City is excited to support the creation, development, and continuation of strong neighbourhood associations. Currently, there are 17 neighbourhood associations in Kamloops.
Neighbourhood Association Directory
Find your neighbourhood association below for more information, including boundary maps, websites, and Facebook links, where applicable.
Aberdeen Neighbourhood Association
Barnhartvale Community Association
Batchelor Heights Community Association
Brocklehurst Community Association
Dallas Community Association
Downtown Neighbourhood Association
Dufferin Neighbourhood Association
Heffley Creek Community Recreation Association
High Country Neighbourhood Society
Juniper Ridge Community Association
McDonald Park Neighbourhood Association
North Shore Central Community Association
Pineview Valley Community Association
Sagebrush Neighbourhood Association
Sahali (Lower) Community Association
Sahali (Upper) Community Association
Schubert Drive Neighbourhood Association
Valleyview Community Association
Westsyde Community Development Society