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Real Estate

Real Estate Services

The Real Estate Division is responsible for the acquisition, disposition, development, management and maintenance of the City’s real estate assets.

The Real Estate Division negotiates and implements real estate transactions. This includes buying, development, and selling of municipal properties and other forms of land tenure. These transactions support civic requirements for roads, parks, utilities, and strategic initiatives. The department is additionally responsible for obtaining statutory rights of way and managing and implementing leases.

Property For Sale

From time to time the City of Kamloops will have property for sale. Interested parties should review the full digital package on our website (links to current listings below). You may then submit an offer, in person, to the Development Engineering and Sustainability office at 105 Seymour Street. All offers must be submitted prior to the submission deadline. 

For more information on property for sale, contact the Real Estate department at

Property Dispositions

Authorized property dispositions (sales) are listed below. Details of the authorization are displayed once the sale is authorized by Council. The Notice of Disposition will be posted on for a period of two weeks prior to the sale completion.

Property Acquisitions

All property acquisitions (purchases) will be listed below for a period of two weeks.