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Homeless Count

Point-in-Time Count

Point-in-Time Counts provide a snapshot of the number of people experiencing homelessness within a community in a 24-hour period. The Point-in-Time Count serves two functions. First, it provides a count of the number of people experiencing homelessness in Kamloops over a specified period. It also gathers information on the demographics and service needs of the local population of unhoused individuals. Point-in Time Counts are conducted every two years in communities across Canada.

As part of the Reaching Home agreement with the federal government, the City conducted another Point-in-Time Count on October 17 and October 18, 2024. The City is required to be a part of this nationally coordinated count. The most recent Reaching Home contract amendment requires communities to host a fall 2024 count to align communities across Canada. The methodology for the Point-in-Time Count must adhere to the national Point-in-Time Count methodology as prescribed by Canada. 

The Point-in-Time Count methodology is representative of how many people are experiencing homelessness on a given day. It provides a baseline for understanding the most visible and often most vulnerable individuals in our community. The number of people experiencing homelessness is likely much greater. The information within Point-in-Time Count reports should not be taken in isolation. Other forms of data should be used to provide a more fulsome understanding of homelessness in our community. 

Funding for this initiative comes from the federal government’s Reaching Home: Canada’s Homelessness Strategy grant.

2024 Point-in-Time Count

The 2024 Point-in-Time Count will take place on October 17 and October 18, 2024.