A FireSmart™ neighbourhood stands an even greater likelihood of surviving a wildfire than an individual FireSmart property. FireSmart improvements made by you and your neighbours will benefit everyone, so let’s work together!
FireSmart is living with and managing for wildfire in your area and on your property. Becoming wildfire resilient is a shared responsibility across BC. FireSmart and its seven disciplines is an all-encompassing program, extending from the individual homeowner level up to a landscape land management level. FireSmart principles have shown that they are effective at reducing the risk to life and property in the most extreme wildfire conditions. The FireSmart program is backed by a vast amount of field, laboratory and wildfire modelling research. Its methods help reduce the risk of losses under even the most extreme fire conditions.
The goal of FireSmart is to empower homeowners to increase their resilience to wildfire on their properties and in their communities.
Visit the City's Let's Talk site to ask questions, view FAQs, watch videos, and access quick links to the provincial and national FireSmart program.
Signup for a Free FireSmart Assessment
How would you like a FireSmart community representative to conduct an on-site assessment of your home, for free? A qualified team member will come to your home and provide a free assessment of your property and will prepare a report with tips for how to make your property more likely to survive a wildfire.
Homeowners and property management companies are invited to call 250-828-3472 to book a free assessment or to submit a request online.
Request a FireSmart Assessment
About Kamloops’ FireSmart Team
The Kamloops FireSmart team is dedicated to reducing wildfire risk to properties and homes through public education. Our FireSmart specialists are trained members of Kamloops Fire Rescue as well as City staff in the Parks Operation division.
The City's FireSmart Liaison is responsible for promoting and implementing the FireSmart program within the community through a holistic approach focused on the social, cultural, and healthy living needs of our residents and community. This role involves working closely with residents, local governments, and various interest holders to enhance community resilience through education, planning, and mitigation strategies.
How to Make Your Home FireSmart
Sparks and embers can be thrown up to two kilometers ahead of a wildfire. These can ignite materials on or near your home, which can be potentially devastating. These FireSmart guidelines will help you create a defensible space around your home, minimizing your fire risk.
Simple Ways to Assess Your Home
In the time it takes to make yourself a coffee or have a shower, you could be assessing your property for potential fire risks. It’s that easy. Here are some ways to get started.
Additional Resources
FireSmart Videos & Guides
- Video: About the Home Ignition Zone
- Video: It's Time to Get FireSmart About Wildfires in B.C.
- Video: FireSmart BC's 7 Disciplines to Protect Your Community
- Guide: FireSmart Begins at Home
Key Websites

FireSmart, Intelli-feu and other associated Marks are trademarks of Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre Inc.