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Block Watch

Why Block Watch?

Block Watch is all about neighbours helping neighbours. 

Households, apartments, or condominiums on a block form a communication chain to watch out for each others' homes and report suspicious activities to the police and each other. This communication is crucial in reducing the likelihood of residential crime.

What Block Watch Is

Block Watch is an extension of what you may already be doing on a daily basis. Many of us have watched our neighbour’s home for them when they are away or at work, as a favor. Under Block Watch, that watchfulness is broadened and becomes more systematic. All residents on a block get to know each other through participation and communication to keep an eye out for each other.

Block Watch involves being alert as part of your everyday life. For example, when you go to a window to close the drapes, take the time to look around the neighbourhood. Ensure everything is as it should be. Talk to your neighbours to keep them aware of current crime prevention techniques and news of local crime trends.

The Program involves two commitments: the first is to be concerned about your neighbour’s property as you would your own. The second is to report suspicious or criminal activity to the Police and to your neighbours.

What Block Watch Isn't

  • Block Watch does not require you to perform special tasks or go to a lot of meetings.
  • You do not patrol the neighbourhood or chase burglars.
  • You aren’t required to live in your neighbour’s hip pocket. You can still conduct
  • your life in privacy.
  • Block Watch doesn’t require that you be any friendlier than you want to be.
  • Block Watch isn’t just for homeowners. The tips and techniques are equally valuable to tenants.

Crime is a community problem that requires a community response!

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