Kamloops East Landscape

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Film Permit Process

The objective of film permitting is to provide a centralized and efficient procedure for obtaining City authorization(s) for filming in the City of Kamloops. Kamloops is a film-friendly location, and we encourage establishing business, industry, and expertise to support and complement the film industry in our community. 

Film permitting: 

  • provides the city liability insurance
  • prevents irreparable property damage
  • protects public safety
  • minimizes public inconveniences
  • recovers costs incurred for services associated with filming activities
  • ensures that film activities fully observe City bylaws

Things to Note Before Getting Started

  • If you plan to film in Kamloops, please contact the City’s film official at filmproduction@kamloops.ca or 250-828-3312 to discuss your project’s scope, dates, times, and possible locations and activities so we can best serve you.
  • The Film Permitting Bylaw 35-96 includes guidelines for all remotely piloted aircraft systems (RPAS)/drone (filming) activity in the city, whether for commercial or other purposes. Please refer to the RPAS/drone activity page for more information.
  • All initial film permitting requests must be made well in advance of the project and not less than five working days prior commencing filming activities. For complicated projects, additional advance notice will be required. The City cannot guarantee its authorization(s) of the film project and/or provision of services if insufficient notice is given.
  • Payments can be made at City Hall by cheque, cash, or debit. Cheque can also be mailed to City Hall. The terms are net 30 days from invoicing. 
  • Authorization forms and schedules of requirements and guidelines are available from the City’s film official.
  • Due to the evolving COVID-19 pandemic, information regarding the status of safety planning requirements can be found on the WorkSafeBC and Creative BC websites. 

Once you have discussed and confirmed your plans with the City, please follow these steps:

Municipal Cost Recovery

The City operates its film services as a cost recovery program and, as such, requires that the time employees spend assisting productions with coordination and approvals be compensated. Some examples of those activities include, but aren’t limited to, getting approval to film outside the bylaw hours, attending the technical site scouting and survey, assisting with parking and traffic needs, after hours calls to sites or for complaints, etc. 

The City does not charge for basic support activities, such as initial contact to file a film permit and discuss film details or for providing information about obtaining a business licence. The City’s film official will provide regular updates to production companies about any time charged (in writing) and will clarify charges as needed. 

If contracted services are required to complete a project for a film production, such as building a special sign or prop, the production will be charged at the contractor’s rates, not the municipal hourly rate. 

Pyrotechnic Approvals

All productions involving pyrotechnic activities require special approval from Kamloops Fire Rescue. Requests for pyrotechnic activities shall be reviewed at a meeting between the film production company and all approval authorities, which is to be held at least 10 working days prior to the scheduled event. The City’s film official will assist with the meeting coordination.

Tips to Remember When Filming in Kamloops

  • Permitted circus and crew load-in and load-out times. All load-in and load-out filming activities on municipal AND private land (including the arrival, set-up, and load-out of circus vehicles and crew trucks) must be completed during permitted hours (7:00 am–10:00 pm, seven days a week).
  • Kamloops is home to a diverse range of wildlife. As such, food waste and garbage need to be kept in closed containers or kept indoors until it can be disposed of at City waste site. Failure to comply may result in a risk to the public or to wildlife and fines up to $10,000
  • Productions involving stunts, emergency vehicles, firearms, and/or pyrotechnics MUST follow all industry guidelines and federal and provincial laws, and the City’s film official must be notified at least five days prior to any such planned activities
  • The City reserves the right to approve or deny any request for filming involving property, assets, right-of-way, etc. that is owned or governed by the City.