Motorist are reminded that the maximum speed limit in the city is 50km/h on all streets and 20km/h on lanes unless otherwise posted.
This is a maximum speed under ideal road conditions, drivers are responsible to lower their speed if conditions are less than ideal.
Under the Motor Vehicle Act, it is an offence if a person is driving at a speed that is excessive relative to road, traffic, visibility, or weather conditions. Please drive with added caution during the winter months.
This is a warning sign identifying a School zone and is erected on roadways that are adjacent to a school that is subject to additional pedestrian activity. Motorist approaching these designated areas should drive with caution and adjust their speed if necessary.
When a black and white, 30km/h sign, is installed below the School zone sign, the reduced speed limit is in effect from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on school days. Drivers shall not exceed 30km/h while approaching, passing or in the vicinity of the school to which the signs relate. The back of the sign indicates the end of the restrictive zone for the opposite direction of travel.
Many traffic signals are activated by means of detection loops which are located underneath the asphalt on the approach to the intersection. When a driver arrives at a traffic light facing a red signal indication, to ensure proper signal sequence the driver must come to a complete stop at or just behind the marked stop line.
Drivers are reminded that it is illegal to enter a marked crosswalk area when facing a red light except when turning right after yielding to any pedestrians.
Traffic Signal Inoperative
Motorists are reminded that when approaching an intersection that has traffic control signals that are inoperative, the driver must stop before entering the intersection, and yield the right of way to the driver on the right or to a vehicle already in the intersection.Traffic signals that are equipped with pedestrian signals and push buttons must be used to ensure pedestrians have enough time to cross the road safely. The Walk light, generally between 4 to 7 seconds in length, is an indicator for the pedestrian to step off the curb (after looking both ways) and begin crossing the street.
The Flashing Don't Walk light indicates a safe crossing time based on the width of the road. A pedestrian while on the roadway shall proceed across as quickly as possible. A pedestrian while still on the sidewalk should not enter the roadway.
A Flashing Green Light indicates a Pedestrian Controlled Traffic Signal. A Flashing Green Light will turn solid for 4 to 5 seconds followed by an Amber then Red Light. The solid Green Light at a Pedestrian Traffic Signal serves as an advance warning drivers that the signal is about to change. Motorists are also reminded that it is illegal to proceed through a Red Light and must wait until the signal resumes its Flashing Green sequence.
This type of Traffic Control Device is being implemented at various locations within the city. A Special Pedestrian Crosswalk provides additional warning and safety features for drivers and pedestrians including overhead signs which are back lit to increase visibility at night, amber flashing lights which are activated by pedestrians and downward lighting which illuminates the crosswalk area.
Tips for Motorists:
Yield the right of way to pedestrians whether or not the amber lights are flashing.
When the amber lights are flashing, pedestrians are in the vicinity of the crosswalk.
Where a vehicle is slowing down or stopped at the crosswalk to permit a pedestrian to cross, the approaching driver from the rear shall not overtake and pass the vehicle that is slowing down or stopped.Tips for Pedestrians:
Activate the amber flashing lights by push button and cross with caution once it is safe to do so.
Do not leave the curb and walk into the path of a vehicle that is so close it is impractical for the driver to yield right of way.It's important to share the road responsibly. Cyclists follow the same rules and regulations as motorists. Yield to cyclists as you would to any other vehicle. Only pass if there is sufficient room and you can do so without interfering with other traffic.
Bike Lanes are delineated by a white edge line with a bike stencil symbol and a sign and are reserved for cyclists. Use caution to cross a bike lane to turn right, or to pull off to the side of the road. Don't drive, stop or park in a bike lane. You may only cross a bike lane if the white line is broken or to turn into or out of a driveway.
Be sure to follow these simple rules to keep cyclists, motorists, and pedestrians safe on the road:
- Pay attention
- Maintain a safe distance
- Keep your eyes and ears open
- Yield to the right-of-way
Walkways are also delineated with a white edge line, have an average width of 1m to 1.5m, and are marked with a pedestrian stencil symbol. Motorist are reminded not to drive, stop or park on a walkway. You may cross a walkway edge line to turn into or out of a driveway.
Intersection Safety Camera Program was initiated British Columbia in 2000. There are 120 sites throughout the Province, four of them in the City of Kamloops. This program has been proven to reduce accidents. The management of the program and the operation of the cameras, deployment, rotation and ticket processing is all done by the provincial RCMP Integrated Traffic Camera Unit.
Red Light Cameras are installed at the intersections of Columbia Street and Summit Drive, Summit Drive and Notre Dame Drive, Fortune Drive and Nelson Avenue, and Victoria Street and 10th Avenue.
The purpose of Audible Pedestrian Signals (APS) is to assist visually-impaired pedestrians in crossing at locations which are controlled by traffic signals, with timed walk intervals.
The City has a standardized Voice activated message type to indicate which walk light is now on. It also retains, in the background, the "peep-peep" sounds used for crossing in east -west directions and the "cuckoo" sound used for crossing north - south directions.
There are currently 10 Traffic Signals equipped with APS. Locations are chosen in consultation with various agencies such as the CNIB, the White Cane Club and the Mayor's Advisory Committee for Persons with Disabilities.
The rectangular rapid flashing beacon (RRFB) crosswalk system features high-intensity, pedestrian-activated LED flashing lights that are exceptionally noticeable for drivers during both the day and at night, and are visible when headlight glare, wet roads, or other situations create difficult lighting conditions.
A leading pedestrian interval (LPI) gives pedestrians a head start at signalized intersections by providing an advanced "walk" signal while traffic signals remain red for several seconds for vehicles. Giving pedestrians a head start in this way has reduce conflict by enhancing the pedestrian visibility and reinforcing their right-of-way over turning vehicles.