Below are the requirements for polling a neighbourhood and the process for decision making when a film production requests an extension to the City’s Good Neighbour Bylaw 49-1 for the purposes of filming.
The City’s film official MUST be made aware of all Good Neighbour Bylaw extension requests. Approval for an extension to the Good Neighbour Bylaw for the purpose of film production will be granted only when all other avenues have been exhausted. All requests for an extension to the noise curfew will be made on an individual basis.
The City requires film production companies to poll a neighbourhood when:
- filming activities will be particularly invasive to a neighbourhood (i.e. a major stunt scene)
- traffic/roadway impact are reoccurring, ongoing, or require extended road closures (periodic or otherwise)
- scenes to be filmed require hours during Good Neighbour Bylaw hours (10:01 pm–6:59 am)
When polling the neighbourhood for support of any of the above circumstances the following guidelines will apply:
- At least two weeks prior to the filming date
An initial letter stating the production’s general requirements must be distributed to the neighbourhood. The letter must state the dates and times of the requested activities, as well as the general impact it will potentially have on the neighbourhood. Possible inclusions may include: a description of the scene(s) (if exterior), including special effects, stunts, set dressing and wrapping, involvement of any emergency vehicles, lighting, generator use, residential parking space requests, etc. that may make noise or otherwise impact a neighbourhood.
Click here for an example of a polling letter.- Please note all letters and forms MUST be sent to the City’s film official for municipal review and approval BEFORE they are distributed to the neighbourhood. This is to ensure that all relevant information is contained in the letter and the City can answer any questions issued by a resident pertaining to the letter.
- One or two days after the polling letter is distributed
The initial letter has been distributed, a door-to-door poll must be conducted asking for signatures. The polling form should have all of the details that the resident would be agreeing to if they signed clearly stated on it. Each residential address must be clear and in geographical order, and any special notes/comments attached on a separate page.
Click here for an example of the polling form. - Five business days prior to the proposed filming dates
Results of the polling process must be submitted to the City’s film official along with results transposed on a map of the area polled. Indicate each building’s street address and the feedback provided. - At least two full days prior to the filming date or the move-in day (whatever is sooner)
A final letter must be delivered to each building/home in the neighbourhood indicating whether the request was approved/denied. If the request is not successful or the location is lost for another reason, a wrap-up letter must be distributed thanking the neighbourhood for its participation. If the request is successful, this letter should contain the details of times, dates, and special requirements as well as a schedule of events. Detailed parking plans and requirements must also be outlined in the letter as well as any traffic plans.
Click here for an example of a positive poll filming notification letter.
Notifications for Business
When in a business district, filming is to occur as early in the day as possible, in the evening (within the Good Neighbour Bylaw), or preferably on Sundays.
To ensure businesses are aware of filming in the municipality, notification of filming must also be circulated to the Chamber of Commerce and the area business associations at least five days prior to filming.