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Frequently Asked Questions

Important Facts You Should Know

  • There will be no noticeable difference in water pressure after the meter is installed.
  • Service Plus Ltd. installers will be uniformed and carry photo identification.
  • For homes that require freeze protection, the homeowner is responsible for keeping the heat-tape and insulation in good condition for their dwelling (i.e.: mobile homes) to prevent line freeze and damage to the meter.
  • Metered billing started in 2013 for some customers. Billing will depend on when your meter is installed. Customers will continue to pay fixed rate charges until notified otherwise.
  • Property owners will receive a sample metered bill showing consumption amounts from the summer quarter, along with an explanation of how to read the new statement. As readings become available, a second sample metered bill will follow with fall quarter consumption rates.

Water Meter Billing & Rates

Water Meter Radio Frequency

Have these units been tested in other communities?

Neptune Technology Group has installed over 4 million of the same water meter units throughout North America. There have been no reported issues of interference or health issues related to the transmission of the device.

How does the meter transmit a frequency that is read by a meter reader?

The meters broadcast on frequencies between 902 MHz and 928 MHz (the same as an older style cordless phones) at an output power of 0.1 watts for 0.007 seconds every 14 seconds. In other words, each household's water meter will be transmitting a wireless signal for less than 60 seconds per day.

The signal is not sent continuously, unlike other devices such as household wireless computer routers and cell phones that transmit constantly.

What if I don't want a meter installed in my home because I have concerns about radio frequency exposure?

Property Owners have two options:

Option 1

Request that a manual-read, non-RF meter be installed within your home. This entails hard wiring a touch-read pad from the manual-read meter in your residence to an exterior wall outside your residence. A city employee will have to access the exterior of your residence at the touch read device location once per quarter to obtain your quarterly meter reading. There is an additional charge of $25/quarter (i.e., $100 per year) for this option to cover the cost of manually reading your meter.

Option 2

Request that a RF meter be installed in a below-ground pit outside your residence at the street-frontage property line. There is an additional one-time charge of $1,000 for this option to cover the incremental extra cost of a pit installation as opposed to an in-home installation.

Residents interested in either option can contact the Civic Operations Department at 250-828-3461 for further details.

Water Meters

Can I have more than one meter?

The City's policy is to install one appropriately sized meter per service line. Any request for deviations from that policy must be addressed by the City.

Can I install the meter myself?

No. Service Plus Ltd. is responsible for performing all installations.

Do I have to be home for the installation?

Yes. An adult at least 18 years of age must be home at all times during the installation. This person will be asked to verify and sign the service order as confirmation of the work completed.

Do I have to pay for the meter?

There will be no cost to you for the meter or the standard installation. The meter installer is a sub-contractor and not allowed to perform any work other than installing the meter.

Fixed Rate vs Metered Rate Billing

Fixed Rate System

  • 10% of single-family homes in Kamloops pay fixed-rate water charges.
  • Under this system, households pay a fixed-rate for each billing period regardless of actual water consumption.
  • Large lots pay additional fixed charges to account for additional irrigation needs.
  • There is no incentive for customers to conserve water.

Metered Rate System

  • 90% of households currently pay on a metered rate basis. Homes receive a quarterly allotment of 45 cubic meters of water in the October 1 to December 31, and January 1 to March 31 periods before further metered charges apply. In the April 1 to June 30 and July 1 to September 30 quarters an allotment of 90 cubic meters is allowed before further metered charges apply.
  • Water meters can help identify leaks within your home to further help save money.
  • Water meters will help our customers become more aware of the water they use and encourage customers to conserve water.

How do I know the meter reading is accurate?

The water meters are factory tested and exceed the standards for accuracy set by the American Water Works Association.

How long does it take to install the meter?

A standard water meter installation typically takes about 90 minutes.

What if I already have a water meter?

If your meter was installed before October 2008, your meter will likely need to be upgraded to the new wireless technology water meter.

Who is responsible for maintaining the meter?

The City of Kamloops is responsible for any future maintenance at no cost to you, provided that you take reasonable caution to prevent any damage to the meter. Like your gas or electric meter, it is illegal to tamper with the water meter.

Who is responsible for the carpentry finishing?

If the water meter is installed so as to be protruding out of the wall after the installation, Service Plus Ltd. will supply and install a cover box or spring loaded cover plate. The resident is responsible for painting, wallpapering or otherwise customizing the carpentry box for cosmetic purposes.

Why meter our water?

We are moving to a water meter system as we are reaching capacity in several components of our water system. It is commonly known that universal water metering is one of the most effective tools to reduce a community's water consumption. The move to a water meter system will defer millions of dollars for the water utility system, resulting in cost savings to the City of Kamloops' water utility customers.