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Electric Heat Pumps

A heat pump is an energy-efficient alternative to other types of home heating systems, such as a natural gas furnace or electric baseboards. Plus, a heat pump can provide both efficient heating and cooling to help keep your home comfortable year round!

A heat pump uses electricity to move heat from one place to another.  In the winter, a heat pump transfers heat from the outside air to indoors through a cycle of compression and expansion of a refrigerant. In the summer, it operates in reverse and transfers heat from inside your home to outdoors, like an air conditioner.

A heat pump has two major parts: an outdoor unit that transfers air to and from the outdoors and one or more indoor units that move air through your home.

Rebate Incentives

Is your home's natural gas system ready for replacement? Are you considering making the switch to a cleaner, more efficient alternative?

Several rebate types include a top-up from the City of Kamloops for eligible Kamloops residents.

Click here for more information on available rebates and how to apply.

Heat Pump Industry Training Resources