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Beyond the Numbers: Kamloops Residents Invited to Discuss Supplementary Budget Items

Release Date

Kamloops, BC—Kamloops residents are encouraged to share their input into the 2024 budget and five-year financial plan. The second round of engagement on the budget starts online today where residents will find business cases for eight supplemental budget items along with forums and quick polls to gather public input. On Tuesday, February 20, 2024, the business cases will be formally presented to the Committee of the Whole in the morning and then again to the public at an evening in-person information session. Residents are encouraged to attend if they would like to ask questions and chat with City Administration or Council members about the provisional budget and supplementary budget items. 

2024 Budget Information Session 
Tuesday, February 20  
7:00–9:00 pm  
Sports Centre Lounge  
McArthur Island Sport and Event Centre 

The 2024 provisional budget that was first presented to the Committee of the Whole in November 2023 includes a property tax funding requirement increase of 10.81%. This figure represents the cost of providing the same services at the same levels as last year while considering new items already approved by Council and changes to regulations, contracts, and rates outside of the City’s control. 

The eight additional business cases published today have been set apart from the rest of the provisional budget because they either represent a change to the level of a service currently provided or they offer something completely new. Public input will be collected online at until 11:59 pm on Tuesday, February 27, 2024, and Council will receive an engagement report before deciding to include any of the supplemental items in the budget. 

Five of the supplemental budget items are requests from City departments, and the remaining three are being presented on behalf of community organizations. They cover a range of topics, including a new Kamloops Fire Rescue medical response unit, additional funding for service agreements, and a sidewalk for Todd Road. On the Let’s Talk website, each supplementary budget item has a forum for discussion and a poll where residents can indicate their support or opposition. A survey capturing the same information can also be completed in person at the February 20 public meeting.

Information being presented to the Committee of the Whole on February 20 will also include a budget efficiencies report requested by Council when the provisional budget passed third reading on December 12, 2023. The Committee of the Whole meeting will be live streamed beginning at 10:00 am through Zoom and YouTube.