At the City of Kamloops, we want to know the specific barriers that people with disabilities face when they are trying to access City of Kamloops programs, facilities, information, services, and/or support.
Use this form to either describe your experiences and their impact or to make recommendations for improvement.
We'd also love to hear about the things we are doing right that have the biggest impact to increase accessibility. Let us know which initiatives are worth maintaining.
The City of Kamloops is collecting information under section 26(c) and (e) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (British Columbia) for the purpose of receiving and acting upon accessibility feedback. By clicking submit on this form, you acknowledge and consent to the collection and use of your information by the City of Kamloops for this purpose.
Feedback may be included in City reports for the purposes of evaluation and analysis. Such reports, will be accessible to the public via the City's website; however, the City will endeavour to protect personally identifiable information contained within the feedback submissions in accordance with the Province of British Columbia Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Questions about the collection, use, and disclosure of this information should be directed to Ben Chobater, Community Development Coordinator at 250-828-3582 or